D.Pharm 2nd year books

Hope you guys enjoyed your d pharm 1st year.

Welcome back to join us in the 2nd year of the Diploma. We ensure you that we’ll provide all the d pharm 2nd year books to you for the successful completion of your 2nd year.   Just be with us:>

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D.pharm’s 2nd-year syllabus contains 6 theory subjects and 5 practicals as per Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) recommendation. The theory and practical subjects include pharmacology, community pharmacy and management, biochemistry and clinical pathology, pharmacotherapeutics and hospital and clinical pharmacy. Pharmacy law and practice subject is included only as theory.  Students can also visit official website of PCI for latest updates regarding pharmacy profession in India.

Table of Contents

Pharmacology (ER20-21T)

This course gives students a basic understanding of the various drug classes that are used to treat common disorders. For valuable career practice, it is imperative to understand the uses, dosing instructions, routes of administration, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and contraindications of the medicines. This subject covers all the above aspects and makes the students familiar with the drug ADME profile as well as their possible adverse effects.

Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics by R.S. Satoskar, S.D. Bhandarkar and Nirmala N Rigi

Pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics book presented an integrated approach. It combines a current understanding of the pathophysiology of the condition, the pharmacology of the treatments that are accessible, and methods for the medical management of disorders. This book provides a thorough overview of various pharmacological effects. Also, it provides a critical evaluation of how they are currently used in therapeutics. The book also emphasises on clinical pharmacology in each chapter and current guidelines for therapeutic decisions. 

pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics book

Essential of medical pharmacology by K.D. Tripathi

Medical pharmacology is a unique combination of basic pharmacology, clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics. The subject is highly dynamic. This book covers the entire spectrum of pharmacology. Also, the book covers fundamental concepts, pathophysiology of significant illnesses, and the pharmacological underpinnings of therapies.

Essential of medical pharmacology

Community Pharmacy & Management ( ER20-22T)

The goal of the course is to give learners the fundamental information. This information is needed to assist patients and general practitioners in the community with a range of pharmaceutical care services. It also covers establishing and operating a community pharmacy and its legal requirements, professional aspects of handling and filling prescriptions, will be covered in this course. Moreover,   prescription and or non-prescription medicines and patient counselling on diseases.

Community Pharmacy Practice around the Globe: Part one by Indian Pharmaceutical Association

One of the objectives of this book is to provide ready-to-use information to pharmacists that they can use while counselling patients. This book also provides a showcase of world pharmacy practices to Indian pharmacists. The book briefly summarises the community pharmacy practices that are followed by more than 30 countries around the globe. 

Community pharmacy practice

Biochemistry and Clinical pathology (ER20-23T)

The basic purpose of this course is structure, behaviour, and chemical reactions occurring in healthy and pathological living cells. The clinical pathology of blood and urine is another topic that the course emphasizes. The subject also covers the structure, functions metabolic pathways of biomolecules.  

Essentials of Biochemistry by U. Satyanarayana and U. Chakrapani 4th edition

This book gives a thorough description of molecular biology, biotechnology, human genome organisation and basic chemical constituents of life. These chemical constituents may include carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, amino acids, nucleic acids and enzymes.  The structure of the book gives readers a thorough understanding of biochemistry. The seven divisions of this textbook, which has 43 chapters, are arranged in the hierarchical order of learning biochemistry.

Biochemistry Book

Pharmacotherapeutics (ER20-24T)

This subject is designed to teach students the fundamentals of the etiopathogenesis of common diseases, how to treat them, and how to use medications effectively. The main objective of this subject are to describe the importance of individualized therapeutic plans based on diagnosis. Additionally, this course covers basic methods for assessing the clinical outcomes of drug therapy as well as etiopathogenesis of selected common diseases and evidence-based medicine therapy.

Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics by Roger and Walker

The author of this book perfectly describes the combined understanding of disease processes, pathophysiological processes and clinical pharmacy. More attention on appreciating the clinical pharmacy process as well as the prescribing procedure is paid. The book broadens the pharmacist’s role in patient care. It addresses additional medical, therapeutic, and patient-related topics in addition to the treatment of common ailments.


Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy (ER20-25T)

The purpose of this course is to provide students with the core information and practical abilities needed to facilitate a variety of hospital and clinical pharmacy services. This course will discuss and train the students in the area of the hospital and Hospital Pharmacy organization and set-ups, supply chain, storage of medicines and medical supplies, basics of hospital pharmacy services. These hospital pharmacy services may include the procurement,  pharmaceutical care services and interpretations of common laboratory results used in clinical diagnosis towards optimizing the drug therapy.

A Textbook of Clinical Pharmacy Practice by Parthasarathi G, Karin Nyfort-Hansen and Milap Nahata

Clinical pharmacy practice book briefly describes the Indian and international perspectives of clinical pharmacy practices. It covers the theoretical background of therapeutic drug monitoring as well as patient counselling, medical adherence, drug interactions, drug information, medical reviews, research in clinical pharmacy practices, drug utilization evaluation and pharmacoepidemiology. 


Pharmacy Law and Ethics (ER20-26T)

This program provides a core understanding of various major laws relating to the practice of pharmacy in India. The subject describes the general perspectives, history, evolution of pharmacy law in India, acts and rules regulating the profession and practice of pharmacy in India. In addition to this, the important code of ethical guidelines pertaining to various practice standards and patent laws and their applications in pharmacy.

Textbook of Forensic Pharmacy by CK Kokate and SB Gokhale

This book is prepared in a simple way to make readers understand easily withou diluting the overall impact of the subject. The book includes historical highlights of several pharmaceutical events as well as key elements of numerous Acts and Rules relevant to professions. The contents of the book includes Drugs and cosmetics Act, Pharmacy Act, Narcotic and Psychotropic substances Act,  and Poisons Act. The book also covers other essential acts mentioned in the d pharm 2nd year syllabus.

forensic pharmacy book by ck kokate

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